
Hello and welcome to Amral!

Amral is the fantasy world that features heavily in my book The Radiant City, currently ongoing on Wattpad.  It follow the reign of Alkanion Ephenor from his registration for heir-apprentice to what most would call the height of his ascent into power.  However, this blog will only allude to his story, instead delving into the history, geography, culture, legends, and myths of the nations themselves.  Eventually, I will move on to the world beyond Amral–the lands to the east and west and north and south.

I hope you’ll think of this blog as an interactive source, to be referenced alongside my book.  Ask me questions!  Comment on things you like and things you don’t.  Tell me your predictions–you may just be right!  Some of the stories I post here may give hints about things to come in The Radiant City and future novels.  You’ll just have to stick around to find out!

